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Celebrating World Smile Day This October

September 24, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Lansara Simply Ortho @ 7:03 pm
a group of people smiling

World Smile Day, celebrated annually on the first Friday of October, is an exciting holiday and also a reminder of how something as simple as a smile can change the world around us. Whether it’s through small acts of kindness or taking care of our oral health, smiles have a unique way of making life better for ourselves and others. Here’s a closer look at the origins of World Smile Day, along with more about the importance of dental health and some ways you can help others smile brightly on this special day!

The History of World Smile Day

World Smile Day began being commercially celebrated in 1999 but has origins tracing back all the way to 1963. Graphic artist Harvey Ball, born and raised in Worcester, MA, created the iconic smiley face symbol, and he knew immediately that this simple design would help bring joy to others across the world. Every year on the first Friday of October, we celebrate the original meaning of this smiley face, taking the message even further by giving back to our communities and helping all those around us smile brightly and confidently.

Take Great Care of Your Smile

Remember, your smile is an important part of you – it’s the first thing people see when they greet you, not to mention, it’s the biggest source of your confidence. That said, you should take great care of your teeth and gums year-round, not just on World Smile Day! Be sure that you’re brushing, flossing, and supplementing with an antibacterial mouthwash, as well as keeping up with your routine dental checkups and cleanings. Other sensible hygiene habits that can help include limiting how much sugar you have, drinking plenty of water, and wearing a mouthguard while you play sports.

This also means that if your teeth aren’t properly aligned or you’re suffering from a particular bite issue, you should consider orthodontics. Having straighter teeth won’t just boost your confidence – it will undoubtedly boost your oral wellness, too.

Help Others Smile with Confidence

Everyone deserves a smile worthy of recognition, and everyone also deserves to feel confident enough to show off their pearly whites! This World Smile Day is the perfect opportunity to give back to your community and ensure that everyone around you has happy, healthy, teeth that make them feel good. Smiling is contagious – and sometimes, all it takes is one positive and encouraging look to truly make a person feel special and recognized.

Here at Simply Orthodontics, we’re all about helping others, and one group we particularly love helping is our local schoolchildren. From classroom supply drives to sports club sponsorships, as well as other community events, we’re always looking for ways to ensure that Worcester keeps smiling as splendidly as possible!

About Simply Orthodontics

Our team here at Simply Orthodontics is passionate about smiles – which is why we’re thrilled to give back to our community whenever possible! If you have a cause, event, or organization in mind that we could support, feel free to let us know. We want to make the world a better place where everyone can smile with confidence, this World Smile Day and every future one. If you have any questions about the blog or you’d like to get in touch with us, feel free to contact us online or by phone today. Telephone: (508) 757-3173.