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How To: Floss with Braces

June 24, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Lansara Simply Ortho @ 8:08 pm

Whether you are struggling with minor misalignment or severe overcrowding, traditional braces can straighten your teeth and make your smile goals a reality. Unfortunately, however, there are a few drawbacks to this orthodontic treatment, including a more cumbersome oral hygiene routine. If flossing with braces is giving you a headache, then keep reading for a few tips to help!

Why Flossing Is So Important

All too often, patients dismiss flossing as optional. However, brushing alone only cleans about 60% of the surface of your teeth! Therefore, neglecting to floss allows plaque, food particles, and other debris to cling to your teeth, significantly increasing your chances of tooth decay and cavities. Since dental problems like these can quickly derail your treatment timeline, it is of the utmost importance that you commit to flossing daily.

How to Properly Floss with Braces

If you prefer traditional dental floss, then you can gently place the thread underneath the wires before cleaning between your teeth. As you can imagine, this method can take a bit of time. Fortunately, there is an alternative: Waterpiks. This revolutionary approach to flossing uses pressurized water to blast away food particles, bacteria, and plaque both between your teeth and underneath the gumline. So, if flossing has become a chore due to your braces, don’t hesitate to ask your dental team about using a Waterpik!

How Often Should You Floss?

Now you know how important flossing is, but how often should you do it? To keep your mouth cavity-free, you should commit to using dental floss or your Waterpik at least once a day. Depending on your schedule, it may be easier to include it in your morning routine or leave it for the evening. Research shows that both are equally as effective, as long as you are flossing daily.

Flossing with braces may take some time to get used to, but it is vital to keeping your oral health in pristine condition and staying on track with your treatment plan. Therefore, make sure to prioritize your flossing routine and get in touch with your dental team if you have any trouble along the way!

About the Author

Dr. Sam Alkhoury graduated with honors from Boston University before completing a residency in Advanced Education in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics at New York University. For nearly three decades now, he has spent his days helping patients leave crooked, spaced-out, and misaligned teeth in the past. His commitment to his craft and his patients hasn’t gone unnoticed either, as he has been recognized by the American Academy of Orthodontists. If you are interested in getting braces or are having difficulty flossing properly, don’t hesitate to visit his website or give him a call at 508-757-3173.